Leidos DSI Partners with GSL Solutions to Offer Quick-to-Launch Custom Web Designs

 Leidos Digital Solutions, Inc. is excited to announce our partnership with GSL Solutions. Together we have teamed up to provide you with some of the most creative and dynamic websites in the public sector. Through this partnership, Leidos DSI is now the exclusive seller of HillTop in the U.S. House of Representatives. HillTop is a quick-to-launch […]

Mar 7, 2019 | Press Releases

 Leidos Digital Solutions, Inc. is excited to announce our partnership with GSL Solutions. Together we have teamed up to provide you with some of the most creative and dynamic websites in the public sector.

Through this partnership, Leidos DSI is now the exclusive seller of HillTop in the U.S. House of Representatives. HillTop is a quick-to-launch Content Management System (CMS) specifically designed for large government organizations. This CMS is easy to access, manage, and navigate–making it perfect for any skill level or device. 

Our website back-end is user friendly and integrates directly with your CRM system to allow your office to quickly and easily manage web content, including news updates, social media feeds, and multimedia support. By using HillTop, your team will also have the ability to create customized web forms, a critical part of any Congressional website. For example, on Rep. Adam Smith’s website we made web forms a major focus of the website design to showcase the office’s accessibility to its constituents.

Our design team understands that websites are for more than communication–they’re about building your brand. We’re excited to offer optional branding packages that will help you take your brand to the next level. For instance, in designing the website for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, we created a branding guide to inform design decisions from initial concept discussions all the way through to the launch of the site.

We also offer design templates that eliminate internal design debates and make your new website come to life as quickly as possible. Using our customizable templates, your Congressional website can be deployed in as quickly as a few days! We recently worked with Rep. Russ Fulcher to create a well-designed and intuitive website through our quick launch templates.

By choosing us to design your website not only will you benefit from the advantages of this powerful CMS but also from the support of our experienced design and development teams. Want to learn more? Invite us to your office for a free, in-person design consultation. 



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