Create a Remote Work Plan for Your Office

Grace Cooper: With the ongoing flu season, the uncertainty of coronavirus (COVID-19), and the increasing push towards remote work, companies across the globe need to adapt and improve their remote work plans. Here are some ways that government offices can ensure the safety of their workers, without sacrificing security and efficiency in a remote work […]

Mar 4, 2020 | Blog Posts

With the ongoing flu season, the uncertainty of coronavirus (COVID-19), and the increasing push towards remote work, companies across the globe need to adapt and improve their remote work plans. Here are some ways that government offices can ensure the safety of their workers, without sacrificing security and efficiency in a remote work environment.

Access Your Work

As many offices still rely on desktops for everyday work, in order to work remotely staffers need a way to access their applications and desktop from anywhere. Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, a remote desktop solution, allows users to access their desktop from any device or operating system, even mobile devices.

Many House committees are already using Citrix to securely connect to the House environment via multi-factor authentication. Help your staff work from home efficiently and effectively, without the slowness caused by VPN congestion. Contact us to implement a customized remote working plan for your office using Citrix.

Collaborate Virtually

Once you’ve accessed your remote desktop and logged in to IQ, you and your coworkers will need a way to replace those in-person office conversations and brainstorming sessions. In other words, how will you collaborate remotely? Answer: IQ Co-Edit.

Co-edit allows you and your colleagues to co-author form letters in real-time via IQ’s secure and user-friendly interface. Chat with other users, track changes, and view revision history on your document. Talk to your ITC about setting up IQ Co-edit, the perfect way for a remote team to work together, without risking security or efficiency.

Engage Online

The House has waived blackout franking rules for mass communication relating to the coronavirus. So even if you’re physically out of the office, your constituents will still be waiting to hear from you. There are a number of ways to virtually engage with your constituents, while keeping you and your audience safe and healthy, including:

  1. Telephone Town Halls
  2. Social Media
  3. Newsletters
  4. Video streaming events

If you’re interested in any of these, contact your IQ rep today.

Now is the time to assess your existing remote work plan to keep your staff and your constituents safe and healthy throughout the year. As a critical component of our nation’s democracy, it is vital that your office is able to function whether in person or online.


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