Hosting Successful In-Person and Online Events with IQ

Intranet Quorum (IQ) is an all-in-one platform that makes organizing successful events a seamless process from initiation to completion.  It offers an array of collaboration tools that allow multiple team members to contribute to event planning and execution.  With shared access to event details, resources, and attendee information, the entire team can work in sync, […]

Sep 21, 2023 | Blog Posts

Intranet Quorum (IQ) is an all-in-one platform that makes organizing successful events a seamless process from initiation to completion.  It offers an array of collaboration tools that allow multiple team members to contribute to event planning and execution.  With shared access to event details, resources, and attendee information, the entire team can work in sync, ensuring a cohesive and well-organized event.  IQ’s event management capabilities extend beyond the core features.  Thanks to the Events application as well as the integrations with Broadnet and Eventbrite, IQ ensures a smooth experience for both organizers and attendees.

IQ’s Events Application

IQ’s Events application serves as a comprehensive event management solution, empowering individual staffers to keep track of their own calendar events as well as those of others in the office. This central platform ensures that all events are meticulously organized, minimizing potential conflicts or overlapping commitments.

Moreover, the Events application can work in conjunction with the Scheduling Request Service.  This enables constituents to submit meeting or event requests online, offering an accessible way for the public to connect with their representatives.  Schedulers can then review and respond to these requests, ultimately creating the events within IQ.  Once submitted, schedulers can review, respond, and create events directly within IQ, streamlining the entire process from request to execution.  This enhanced communication between the office and constituents fosters a stronger bond.

Benefits of the Broadnet Integration

When it comes to hosting online events, the Broadnet integration within IQ is a game-changer.  Broadnet offers a reliable platform for webinars, live streaming, and interactive virtual meetings.  With this integration, government offices can effortlessly reach a larger audience and conduct meaningful discussions, irrespective of geographical barriers.  The Broadnet integration ensures that participants have a smooth and user-friendly experience, thus maximizing engagement and satisfaction.

Leveraging the Eventbrite Integration

For in-person events, the Eventbrite integration is a valuable asset.  Eventbrite is a renowned event management platform that simplifies event registration and attendee management. By integrating Eventbrite with IQ, government offices can effortlessly promote their events to a wider audience, manage registrations efficiently, and monitor attendance numbers in real-time. Eventbrite’s robust features empower offices to create professional event pages, accept payments (if applicable), and send personalized event reminders to registered participants.  This seamless integration optimizes the event experience and ensures that attendees feel well-informed and valued.

Enhanced Event Management and Collaboration

Intranet Quorum (IQ) stands as an all-encompassing solution for government offices seeking to host successful events, both in-person and online.  The Events application, coupled with the Scheduling Request Service, ensures streamlined planning and execution while catering to constituents’ needs.  The Broadnet and Eventbrite integrations take event management to new heights, extending the reach of events and optimizing participation.  By utilizing IQ’s integrated tools and functionalities, government offices can elevate their event management strategies, foster public engagement, and build stronger relationships with their constituents.

Pro tip: Use an IQ webform to simplify in-person event tracking and enhanced post-event communication!  Eliminate the need for paper sign-in sheets and accurately capture attendance data by setting up a webform that syncs with your system.  Furthermore, the collected information can be easily attached to the event in IQ, enabling organizers to send personalized “thanks for attending” emails to participants, strengthening the connection between the office and constituents.
