Digitize Your Office Processes with IQ

Digitize Your Office Processes with IQ

Grace Cooper: Whether for security concerns or lack of access to proper technology, many offices still rely on paper. With Congressional staff and constituents facing unprecedented challenges during...

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Email Best Practices During COVID-19

Email Best Practices During COVID-19

Grace Cooper: In this time of crisis, your staff is likely working overtime to communicate with and serve constituents. One of the best forms of outreach for communicating with new and familiar...

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Create a Remote Work Plan for Your Office

Create a Remote Work Plan for Your Office

Grace Cooper: With the ongoing flu season, the uncertainty of coronavirus (COVID-19), and the increasing push towards remote work, companies across the globe need to adapt and improve their remote...

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Life Is Better in the Cloud

Life Is Better in the Cloud

Grace Cooper: Last summer, our cloud-based solution IQ FedCloud was FedRAMP authorized. Now, federal, state, and local agencies can take advantage of life in the cloud with IQ FedCloud, our...

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Leidos DSI Now Offers Digital Advertising

Leidos DSI Now Offers Digital Advertising

Leidos DSI is proud to offer digital advertising to our clients as another Franking-approved way to engage with constituents. Our waste-free digital advertising offering uses three hyper-accurate...

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