Committee and Leadership Office Resources

Committee and Leadership Office Resources Home Markets Congress Committee and Leadership Office Resources Share Print Simply put, Leidos House IT Services (HITS) is the solution to IT challenges in the House of Representatives. HITS is a term license-based support plan that covers virtually any IT hardware (computers, printers, tablets, smartphones, scanners, etc.) plus server and […]

Committee and Leadership Office Resources

Simply put, Leidos House IT Services (HITS) is the solution to IT challenges in the House of Representatives. HITS is a term license-based support plan that covers virtually any IT hardware (computers, printers, tablets, smartphones, scanners, etc.) plus server and backup storage and on-site support staff to keep committees moving forward.

Enterprise Committee Support

Infrastructure Modernization

We handle design, build, and deployment of new infrastructure, including migration from old to new production systems and decommissioning legacy systems.

High Availability/Redundant Failover

We help customers move critical infrastructure assets out of Committee and Leadership office space and into the House datacenter, as well as relocate redundant resources to the House contingency facility, the Redstone datacenter.


Our team has experience you can trust deploying and managing enterprise class eDiscovery systems that have included scanning components and file storage for ingesting document productions from Executive Branch Agencies.

Secure Environments

We have staff with security clearances that have designed, built, deployed, and sustained closed network systems inside House Secure Computing Information Facilities (SCIFs).

Your IT Director’s Escalation Plan

Image of Leidos employees working together


With decades of experience, we know the House rules to keep your committee compliant and who to call when we don’t.


When your committee selects a HITS plan, we can configure new computers with the committee image in 30 minutes or less. Any updates to this image are automatically pushed to all committee machines with no disruption in performance.

Alerts & Awareness

When you partner with Leidos with a HITS plan, our technicians can implement a network of alerts that will push notifications directly to you any time there is a significant event in your environment, saving your staff from monitoring performance and constantly running diagnostics.

IT Staff Augmentation

Job Descriptions

Don’t have the time or technical expertise to write description for an open position? We can turn your requirements, budget, and other specs into a job description to attract the candidates you want.


As your staffing partner, we’ll help with whatever you need. Whether you need help with resume evaluation, phone screening, interviewing, all of the above, or none—we’re here for you.


You set the requirements, like compensation and start date, and we do the rest. We manage the “red-tape,” prequalify the candidates, and manage on-boarding for your newest staff member.