Legislative Assistant

Legislative Assistant Home Markets Congress Legislative Assistant Share Print Legislative Assistants have many legislative responsibilities, including drafting and approving form letters, handling committee work, cosponsoring bills, working with constituents, meeting with interest groups, and promoting the Member’s legislative agenda. These staffers will often brief the Member on policies, votes, hearings, etc. and may also have […]

Legislative Assistant

Legislative Assistants have many legislative responsibilities, including drafting and approving form letters, handling committee work, cosponsoring bills, working with constituents, meeting with interest groups, and promoting the Member’s legislative agenda. These staffers will often brief the Member on policies, votes, hearings, etc. and may also have a hand in constituent correspondence, sometimes sending personalized responses or even meeting with constituents in person. Watch eLearning videos we’ve handpicked for this role. 

Customize Form Letters

The Legislative Correspondent will usually create new or edit existing form letters for the Legislative Assistant to review in IQ. Each office can adapt controls and permission settings, so that a Legislative Correspondent can easily submit a draft of a form letter to an Legislative Assistant for approval within IQ.

Screenshot of the enewsletter builder in IQ

The Legislative Assistant can then revise the letter using track changes, send back to the LC for more edits, or send the letter further up the chain for approval. Form letters in IQ are easily customizable, whether users are formatting text, inserting new graphics, or working with their ITC to create a new form letter template.

Manage Recommendations & Requests

Legislative Assistants can create service records to document the progress of various legislation-related correspondence, such as vote recommendation, co-sponsorship requests, policy requests, and appropriations requests. Staff members can then run reports on these service records to compile short, one-page summaries of their work for their Member or Chief of Staff. For appropriations requests, offices can combine a service record with the survey builder and reporting features to manage the entire process in IQ, from the initial lobbyist request to the report for the Appropriations Committee.

Co-Edit Form Letters

IQ also allows two or more users to co-author form letters, so a Legislative Assistant can easily collaborate with other staff. This co-editing feature is convenient and secure, allowing multiple users to write, edit, chat, and review revision history with other staffers at the same time no matter where they are.

Record Meeting Notes

Legislative Assistants will often sit in on meetings relevant to the Member’s legislative priorities and/or meet with constituents in person. It’s important that these meetings be documented either for follow up or future reference. Users can record in-person meeting notes in IQ in custom fields built into the calendar module or as part of the appropriate legislative project service records.

Track Legislation

Screenshot of legislation tracking tool Legistats in IQ

Legislative Assistants can use LegiStats, a proprietary legislative/demographics tool built directly into IQ that provides aggregated demographic data on your constituents broken down by state, Congressional district, and county, to view detailed data points like voting history, education levels, estimated income, and more in graphical format, allowing for easy interpretation of complex information.

LegiStats gives users the ability to tie individual legislative actions to related bills, assign items to a staffer for monitoring, and even track legislative success rates. LegiStats also includes an interactive Member Database with up-to-date contact information for every sitting Member of Congress plus complete voting histories going back to 2001. IQ users can conduct voting analysis to track how often and when a Member crossed party lines on a specific vote.

Search & Store Form Letters

IQ also serves as a full documents management system, where users can upload files and new versions, that compliments office shared drives. IQ will log interactions with files, such as if a user checks out or uploads a new version of the document. Legislative Assistants can search and filter in the library module in IQ to view a full history of the form letters their office has created and used.

Integrate Outlook with IQ

By integrating IQ with Microsoft Outlook, Legislative Assistants can send and receive responses to constituents from their Outlook email and all correspondence will also be automatically recorded in IQ. This function ensures that Legislative Assistants never miss a message from a constituent, even if they are not currently working in IQ.

Customize IQ

Easily configure the IQ home screen to display tiles relevant to your position. For instance, Legislative Assistants might include the active batches and enewsletter tiles on their IQ home page.

IQ Home Screen Guide 

Screenshot of IQ homepage featuring the social media stream integration

Below is a collection of instructional videos recommended for Legislative Assistants. 

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